• Dignity at work – humanity.
  • Equality – freedom from discrimination.
  • Standing up for the disadvantaged – inclusion.

How might things be if local policymakers increasingly took decisions based on these basic values? Every candidate included in this engine is a member of an SAK-affiliated trade union or works for the trade union movement, and is committed to these values.

Your vote matters

Local policymakers decide what kind of municipal services are available to all of us – in terms of quantity, quality and price. The winners of local elections form the municipal council, thereby providing the value base of these decisions.

A total of nearly 9,000 local councillors will soon be elected to about 300 municipalities in Finland. The everyday matters affected by their decisions will include:

  • Can you get a doctor’s appointment?
  • Will your child get a nursery school place?
  • Does local public transport work?

Local authorities decide the future of education and daycare, youth work, street maintenance, sports and cultural services, environmental protection and construction. And pending the long-awaited reform of social services, health care and regional government, they will also remain responsible for social and health services and for fire and rescue services.

Even though ordinary employees are the prime users of municipal services, they are among the least active voters. Now it´s time to elect new local policymakers to serve for the next four years: Use your vote! The advance voting period is from 26 May to 9 June, and polling day itself is on 13 June 2021.

Who do you think should have the power to decide on important issues and problems where you live?

The candidate gallery provides a list of candidates who will stand by their values when taking decisions, even when the going gets tough. They will not offer easy solutions where none exist, but will seek justice and fairness. And when it’s time to choose sides, they will take the side of the disadvantaged. They want to make their municipality a better place for everyone to live, and make sure that nobody falls through the safety net. Are you a candidate of this kind? You still have time to register!

SAK’s local election goals

Municipalities differ in various parts of Finland. They vary a great deal in economic conditions, employment situations, demographic structures and levels of demand for various services. Ensuring that municipal services work effectively and securing the status of staff and employment is nevertheless vital in every municipality, and we should not forget the importance of voting, because the outcome of local elections determines a good life today and tomorrow.

SAK has outlined four areas that should be the leading themes of local elections:

  • services
  • the status of staff
  • land use planning, transport, housing and business policy
  • municipal employment services.

Auto- ja Kuljetusalan Työntekijäliitto AKT
Ilmailualan Unioni IAU
Julkisten ja hyvinvointialojen liitto JHL
Kaupanalan esimiesliitto KEY
Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM
Posti- ja logistiikka-alan unioni PAU
Rautatiealan Unioni RAU
Suomen Elintarviketyöläisten liitto SEL
Suomen Huippu-urheilijoiden Unioni SHU
Suomen Muusikkojen Liitto
Suomen Liikennelentäjäliitto
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Sanomalehtimiesliitto SSSL
Sähköalojen ammattiliitto
Teatteri- ja mediatyöntekijöiden liitto Teme
Vankilavirkailijain Liitto VVL
Yleinen Lehtimiesliitto